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Workout PLAN

Your fitness plus for more energy, focus, balance & health at work

Our sports courses offer a holistic training experience that is tailored directly to your needs at work. By increasing mobility, stability and physical fitness, you not only achieve a higher level of well-being, but also get your circulation going and improve your blood flow. At the same time, you can switch off and escape stress in special courses. More oxygen for the brain also means more clarity and concentration at work.


Keine Lust auf Training allein?

Im Hamburger Ding bieten wir fast täglich spannende Sportkurse an. Egal, ob Yoga, HIIT oder Functional Training – hier findest du garantiert etwas, das dich motiviert.

Course schedule updates via WhatsApp

Join our sports group on WhatsApp ! Here you will always be up to date with course schedule updates . Exchange ideas with your fitness buddies and train happily ever after!


Mobility & Stretch

Simple exercises for more mobility,
Relaxation and a pain-free working day

Our Mobility & Stretch class offers you the perfect opportunity to improve your flexibility while relieving tension. Ideal for homies who spend a lot of time sitting at a desk and are looking for a solution to stiff muscles and joints. Not only will you experience improved circulation, but you will also increase your mental clarity and concentration at work.


  • Improves flexibility and mobility

  • Prevention and relief of back pain

  • Increases well-being and mental performance

  • Ideal for frequent sitters and desk workers


Balance & Core

Strengthening the core muscles (abdomen, hips, pelvis, back)
for a balanced and productive office life

Our Balance & Core course focuses on strengthening your core muscles to improve your posture and make you more balanced. By training your stomach, hips, pelvis and back, you not only improve your posture, but also prevent typical office problems such as back pain. This course will help you to work more concentrated and productively.


  • Strengthens the core muscles

  • Improves posture and balance

  • Reduces fatigue at work

  • Increases concentration and work productivity


Full Body HIIT

Short, intensive workouts for energy and endurance at work
Increase your energy and endurance with our HIIT class. These short but intense workouts are ideal for starting your day with a burst of energy. Not only will you burn calories effectively, but you'll also strengthen your cardiovascular system, which will help you stay active and alert throughout the day. Perfect for a lively and energetic workday.


  • Increases energy and endurance

  • Improves cardiovascular system

  • Ideal for fast fitness results

  • Perfect for energetic working days


Upper Body & Core

Targeted exercises for upper body & core muscles
(stomach, hips, pelvis, back) for better posture

Our Upper Body & Core class aims to strengthen your upper body and core muscles to improve your posture and prevent back pain. By strengthening these key areas, you will not only feel stronger, but will also support your daily work routine and improve your overall wellbeing.


  • Strengthens upper body and core muscles

  • Improves posture and reduces back pain

  • Strengthens muscles for everyday work

  • Increases general well-being


Lower Body & Core

Strengthening legs and buttocks to prevent back pain
The Lower Body & Core class is designed to strengthen your lower body and improve your body stability. By training your legs and glutes, you relieve the strain on your lower back and improve your overall performance. This class is ideal for anyone who sits a lot and is looking for a stronger, more stable base for their everyday work.


  • Strengthens legs and buttocks

  • Improves body stability and posture

  • Prevention of back pain

  • Ideal for long periods of sitting at work

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